References FacilityApps
SBL Plus
SBL Plus Started last year with a pilot of Facility Apps’ work order app. From our sustainability policy, we wanted to reduce paper flows in the company. We then came in contact with Facility Apps. With the work orders app, we not only reduced the amount of paper but also made an efficiency move on the administration, invoicing is now faster and much less error-prone.
Hygieneplan is a cleaning company in the food industry. The reason FacilityApps is used by the company is because in the food industry they have to deal with very strict measures, registrations and measuring data. “The advantage of FacililtyApps is that it is digital, quick to consult and up to date. Especially when data needs to be viewed by clients, this works quickly”.
Victoria Cleaning
Victoria, a medium to large cleaning company, employs more than 800 people. Victoria has been using FacilityApps for a number of years. Especially the call reporting module. This module brings us and the customer many benefits. The benefits are: That the reports can be sent and viewed easily and all data is stored. This saves Victoria a lot of time and administration.
Balans cleaning services
Balans cleaning services has been working with the FaciltiyApps software for years now. They use the DKS module. “We make fewer mistakes and have less printing. Facilityapps has facilitated our growth without us having to expand our back office”.
Fonville works throughout the Netherlands and has been working with FacilityApps for some time. “Because everything can be seen in the app, our people can work faster and we can access all the forms and data more easily, which means we can also provide the customers with transparency”.
Krinkels is a contractor in green, water, infrastructure and sports. We achieve our goals together with FacilityApps; it is a stable partner in our system landscape.
Visschedijk has been working with FacilityApps since 2015. FacilityApps has taken care of all digitalisation of forms within Visschedijk. The biggest advantages are the real-time data and dashboards, which offer customers a lot of insight and transparency.