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ButtonsforCleaners and FaciltyApps
Keep an easier overview of your customers and contractual agreements with the software from Buttons For Cleaners, powered by FacilityApps. Customer data, duration of contracts, content of the work to be performed (e.g. cleaning, glass washing, periodic, industrial or specialist).
You can see at a glance the different contracts and their characteristics. These agreements are linked to the planning and employees who do the execution.
ButtonsforCleaners and FaciltyApps
The agreements made in the customer contract results in work that needs to be scheduled. The heart of our solution consists of a clear planning board in which you can easily schedule your available employees. Or if employees are absent due to illness or vacation, you can quickly see where you need extra capacity.
Register one-time, recurring or on-call assignments in one click. This allows you to clearly see who is working on which assignment at which location. Do you need to adjust or change something? Then you can do that with one click.
ButtonsforCleaners and FaciltyApps
Ultimately, any attendance, hours entered and quality must be approved or checked before being invoiced. With invoicing software, we ensure that invoices are prepared in advance based on the prepared contracts.
Our software ensures that invoices go out the door on time and that the invoice states exactly what was agreed upon in advance, which also speeds up payment. This invoice and invoice information is easily transferred to 10 accounting packages of your choice.
Replace your traditional paper checklist with an e-ink display!
We are taking digitalization even further by replacing the paper checklists on toilets with an e-ink display that shows when the last cleaning was done and when the next one is scheduled. A cleaner gets a notification to clean a washroom. After they are finished cleaning, they swipe a task in Facility Apps that the washroom has been cleaned. On exiting the washroom, the Cleaner holds their mobile phone against the e-ink display for 10 seconds and this will update the screen with the latest status.
The new Quality plus modules that measure the quality of cleaning in buildings or spaces are focused on effectiveness, objectivity and accuracy.
Cleaners need fewer actions to fill in the quality checks, and instead of giving an indication number (figure), they fill in the number of errors. This ensures that measurements of cleaning quality become more objective and accurate.
With the right personal settings, the app is used much more effectively per room by each cleaner. This is because you do not have to spend a long time searching for the right room or element, but it is enabled by the cleaner themself. Finally, the quality reports and dashboards that are run per period are much more insightful and accurate. Also, in the report you can see the results of the previous months so that you can compare. Errors become more insightful, and corrections easier.
FacilityApps fully digitizes the paper time registration.
Different solutions are possible depending on the nature of the location. Sometimes you have a location with several employees, then a digital time clock is useful. But if there is an ‘evening building’ with only 1 employee, the NFC / QR sticker and the use of the App would be more convenient.
FacilityApps offers you a forms platform that digitizes your visit reports, checklists, questionnaires, inspection forms, order forms, sick and / or leave forms in a few minutes.
Forms can be independently defined and then completed on tablets or phones by employees, supervisors, or customers with ease. FacilityApps already has numerous forms available in the system that you can easily reuse or copy.
All forms are delivered in beautiful PDF formats that are automatically saved via the cloud and distributed to employees, supervisors or customers who can access them 24/7 via the App.
All collected data is displayed in a state-of-art Business Intelligence Tool in which extensive reports and graphs are immediately available
Work 100% paperless and have 24×7 access to all relevant documents. You’ll never have to email a document again.
FacilityApps digitally stores all relevant documents, such as invoices, cleaning instructions, pay slips or product safety sheets, digitally. These documents will be made available to all customers, employees and managers, such as invoices, cleaning instructions, pay slips or product safety sheets.
You can upload all necessary documents in Google Drive, Dropbox or any other cloud based storage. With useful links (APIs), documents can also be easily shared from other systems.
By scheduling periodic tasks such as work orders, quality checks, interview reports, toolbox meetings or machine inspections, you have proof of the services provided and no tasks are overlooked.
Supervisors have real-time insight into planned or completed tasks and can also create individual tasks via the App for extra work, which are directly linked to the right employee.
Comments, photos and time registration can be added per work order and, if necessary, a signature from the customer, who will be notified and a copy by e-mail.
Building Services Contractors have a large number of assets on different sites and, often, unaware of their location, amount, state and availability. Asset Management within the FacilityApps platform puts you back in control. Via QR , NFC or even indoor tracking you have full visibility over location, use and condition. Report damage or order missing items easily while dashboards give you a complete management overview.
With the automation plugin module you can automate common tasks. You can set rules, conditions, simple workflows and actions based on your KPI’s. You can send an email, sms or push notification when a form or complaint with a specific answer to a question is submitted, e.g. when a customer in a call report indicates that he is not satisfied. A task can also be created based on sensor collected data.
Always up to date with simple and advanced management dashboards. Reports and dashboards can be created on almost all data that is stored within the portal and within the app. Extra reporting based on Business Intelligence (BI) for analysis by ‘click-through’ to see the underlying data. Reports can be shared with clients while everyone only sees the data that they are supposed to see.
The digital logbook App is an integrated ticket system and the first step towards an excellent customer experience. It simplifies the process of creating service tickets, including photo proof, after which they are copied to an assigned employee’s task list.
One central hub for all questions, requests for additional work, complaints and comments from customers.
Both the customer, employee and manager have access via the App to respond to tickets. The app shows the status and the follow-up of tickets. Push messages notify employees in real time. Live dashboards provide clear reporting, an overview per customer and can be accessed independently by clients.
With our new plan board module, you can easily drag and drop work orders into the calendar of your specialist employees.
When a new work order is scheduled, the relevant employee immediately receives an in-app notification.
Because of the digital plan board, the planner at the office always has an overview of the work orders that still need to be scheduled and the agendas of all employees.
The DQS (Daily Quality System) is a simplified version of the European standard EN 1354. It is a technical quality management system for the control of daily and periodic cleaning activities that was originally intended to provide direction to improve the internal cleaning processes.
Over the years, the DQS has also been used to involve external customers by providing them with structured information through reports and charts.
FacilityApps comes with a number of predefined DQS forms, but also allows you to apply your own quality management methodology.
Een digitaal kwaliteitsmanagementsysteem voor dagelijkse DKS en periodieke controles dat discussie tussen de klant en het schoonmaakbedrijf voorkomt. De resultaten van de DKS controles worden in een overzichtelijk dashboard getoond waarbij gefilterd kan worden op verschillende objecten. DKS-en kunnen ook gedeeld worden met opdrachtgevers. De planning voor kwaliteitscontroles kan vanuit Nocore Facilitair worden aangemaakt en verstuurd.
DKS is gebaseerd op de Nederlandse VSR-KMS norm die ook binnen de Europese norm past: EN 1354, die in de buurt komt van Insta800. FacilityApps wordt geleverd met een aantal voorgedefinieerde DKS formulieren, maar maakt het mogelijk om uw eigen kwaliteitsmanagement methodologie toe te passen.
FacilityApps fully digitizes the paper attendance registration.
The hours that are automatically registered can easily be adjusted manually. In addition, the planned and worked hours are compared. A supervisor receives real-time notifications if an employee arrives late or leaves too early. All data is accessible in Business Intelligence Dashboards or Excel exports and can be linked to a salary package.
With our new module you can send targeted news by using push notifications within our app. In addition, there is an overview in which all the news within the entire organization is collected.
There is also a distinction between different user roles. This means that you can send targeted news to different groups such as customers, area managers or executive staff.
Is there a change of rayon manager? Then the message towards the customer is of course different than the one towards the executive staff. In this way you as a user only get to see relevant news through push notifications.
FacilityApps digitaliseert de papieren tijdsregistratie volledig.
Afhankelijk van de aard van de locatie zijn verschillende oplossingen mogelijk. Soms heb je een locatie met meerdere medewerkers dan is een digitale prikklok handig. Maar als er een ‘avond pandje’ is met maar 1 medewerker dan zou de NFC/QR sticker en het gebruik van de App beter schikken.
Schoonmaakbedrijven hebben een groot aantal activa op verschillende locaties en zijn vaak niet op de hoogte van hun locatie, aantal, staat en beschikbaarheid. Asset Management binnen het FacilityApps platform geeft u de controle over uw bedrijfsmiddelen. Via QR, NFC of zelfs indoor tracking heeft u volledig inzicht in locatie, gebruik en conditie. Rapporteer eenvoudig schade of bestel ontbrekende items terwijl dashboards u een compleet managementoverzicht geven.
Executive gebruikers met meer rechten omdat ze ook toezicht moeten houden op de Service Gebruikers en toegang hebben tot rapporten.
Bijvoorbeeld: kwaliteitsinspecteurs,, leidinggevenden, leidinggevenden, district managers, management.
Een van de team leider gebruikers is een Admin. Dit is de beheerder van de omgeving die in het bezit is van alle rechten en dus de gehele FacilityApps omgeving kan configureren. Dit is ook de gebruiker die communiceert met de Service Desk van FacilityApps.
De gebruikers op de werkvloer hebben beperkte mogelijkheden en aanpasbare rechten. Voorbeelden: schoonmakers of tuinders.
The users on the work floor have limited options and adjustable rights. Examples: cleaners or gardeners.
Executive users with more rights because they also have to supervise employee users and have access to reports.
For example: quality inspectors, team leaders, supervisors, district managers, management.
One of the supervisors is an Admin-User. This is the administrator of the environment who is in possession of all rights and can therefore configure the entire FacilityApps environment. This is also the user who communicates with the FacilityApps Service Desk.
Naast een weergavefunctie met betrekking tot rapporten en documenten heeft deze rol ook toegang tot het digitale logboek. Voorbeelden: klanten, Facility managers, leveranciers.
Contract term | Rebate | # Users | Rebate | |
1 year | 10% | 101 – 500 | 10% | |
2 years | 20% | 501 – 1.500 | 15% | |
3 years | 30% | 1.501 – 5.000 | 20% |
In addition to a viewing function with regard to reports and documents, this role also has access to the digital logbook. Examples: customers, facility managers, clients, suppliers.